UK: Industrial Strategy recognises value of local energy systems

  • Industry News
  • 27 November 2017
  • by Association for Decentralised Energy

The Association for Decentralised Energy (ADE) has welcomed the launch of the Industrial Strategy, saying it reaffirms Government’s position that local energy systems demonstrate real value and have a clear role to play in the future energy mix.


ADE Director Dr Tim Rotheray said:


“We welcome the Industrial Strategy’s focus on ensuring local energy users can implement new technology solutions to access new revenue streams and ‘prosper from the energy revolution’.       

“The Industrial Strategy clearly values the cost and carbon benefits of local, user-led systems, but there needs to be a stronger link with how businesses can use energy market revenues to improve their competitiveness and productivity.

“As the Government considers expanding compensation schemes for industrial users, care needs to be taken to ensure there are clearer price signals to drive the local energy and efficiency investments needed to create a low carbon competitive economy.”


Source: Association for Decentralised Energy

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