In the UK, Veolia Is Strengthening Its Position in Biomass Energy Production

  • Industry News
  • 07 June 2016
  • by Veolia

nature Veolia biomassEquitix ESI CHP has chosen Veolia to operate and maintain two new biomass plants in Nottingham and Sheffield in northern England. These contracts support the UK in its energy transition.


The two biomass-fired combined heat and power stations are being built in Widmerpool south of Nottingham (Nottinghamshire), and in Holbrook south-east of Sheffield (Yorkshire). They are scheduled to go into operation in early 2017.


Each plant will produce not only electricity (6.55 MWe) for over 10,000 homes but also heat (4.5 MWth) which will be reused locally. By recycling around 52,000 tonnes of waste wood – a carbon neutral fuel – every year, they will respectively save around 8,400 tonnes of CO2 emissions annually. The plants will be equipped with the most efficient biomass combustion technologies, in particular in order to limit and control air emissions.
Besides 24/7 operation and maintenance, Veolia will also be responsible for water treatment and ash disposal for the two renewable energy facilities.


Estelle Brachlianoff, Senior Executive Vice President, Veolia UK and Ireland, said, “These new contracts highlight our renewable energy expertise and will recycle waste from biomass to produce green energy for the grid. It demonstrates our on-going commitment to cut carbon emissions for industry and communities, and sustainably recycles biomass that would otherwise be wasted.”

Pat Gilroy, Veolia COO Industrial Customers UK, Country Director Ireland, added, “These new contracts are a further step in our commitment to deliver sustainable energy that both reduces carbon emissions, and recycles a local resource. We are looking forward to working with our project partners to help deliver the UK renewable target.”
Thanks to all its green energy projects, in the UK Veolia has avoided over 500,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions over the last four years.


Equitix is an infrastructural investment company for renewable energy and energy efficiency projects benefiting from funds from the Green Investment Bank (GIB). These two projects are Equitix’s largest biomass-type investments to date.


Source: Veolia
In the UK, Veolia is strengthening its position in biomass energy production

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