Poland opens competition for cogen and district energy projects

  • Industry News
  • 12 July 2016
  • by Decentralized Energy

Poland’s National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management has announced two funding competitions to help businesses implement high-efficiency cogeneration and district heating/cooling projects.


The agency said the winning cogeneration projects will either build new units or increase the capacity of existing units, with a total capacity of 1 MW. Projects with the highest carbon dioxide reduction potential per unit of funding will be given preference.


On the district energy side, the winning projects will involve building new cogen-fired heating or cooling networks, with an eye to residential areas that have plans in place for a shift to a low-carbon economy. Projects using waste heat of other kinds will also be eligible.


The fund is offering a maximum support level of 80% of cogeneration project costs and 85% of district energy project costs.


Source: Decentralized Energy
Poland opens competition for cogen and district energy projects

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