CELSIUS Talk: FED – Local Energy Markets

  • Events
  • 09 May 2018 - 09 May 2018
  • Webinar
  • by DHC+

On Wednesday 9 May, FED  together with the CELSIUS project and the DHC+ Technology Platform organised a joint webinar on the FED project – Local Energy Markets. Discover how the City of Gothenburg develops a unique market place for DHC during the upcoming CELSIUS Talk: FED – Local Energy Markets.


FED – Local Energy Markets

The Fossil-free Energy Districts project, FED, is an innovative effort by the City of Gothenburg to decrease the use of energy and the dependence on fossil fuel in a built environment. A unique local marketplace for electricity, district heating and cooling is being developed together with eight strong partners. During 2017−2019 the FED test-bed will be situated on Chalmers Campus Johanneberg in Gothenburg.


The City of Gothenburg, Johanneberg Science Park, Göteborg Energi, Business Region Göteborg, Ericsson, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Akademiska Hus, Chalmersfastigheter and Chalmers University of Technology are all contributing with their expertise and knowledge to make FED attractive for other European cities as well.


FED is co-financed by the European Regional and Development Fund through the Urban Innovative Actions Initiative, an initiative of the European Commission for cities to test new solutions for urban challenges.



Moderator Iréne Svensson, Johanneberg Science Park

  • Introduction to FED: Claes Sommansson, Johanneberg Science Park
  • About the market place: Magnus Brolin, RISE
  • About the digital platform: Joakim Pontén, Ericsson
  • Discussion, questions


Watch the debate here.


Twitter: #fedgbg #1stUIAcities


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