The heat is on: How Artificial Intelligence is helping to ward off the Swedish winter chill

  • Case Studies
  • 05 February 2018
  • by Alfa Laval & NODA

A unique combination of tried-and-tested hardware and cutting-edge software – in the form of a self-learning algorithm – is revolutionizing district heating in Sweden. Described as the district heating equivalent of a self-driving car, this solution has the potential to help significantly reduce carbon emissions in the energy-intensive domestic heating sector.


Last October was so wet in Ronneby, a medieval town in southern Sweden, that the autumn market – where locals normally stock up on apples, pumpkins and honey – had to be cancelled. In previous years, the rain would have had the phones ringing all day at the publicly owned housing company Ronnebyhus.


“Because of the humidity, you get a feeling that it’s cold, even though the thermometer says it isn’t,” explains Kristian OlsĂ©r, Ronnebyhus’ operations chief, as we walk out into the drizzle from one of the housing company’s apartment blocks. “The maintenance guys, the girls on reception, they get a lot of calls from people saying ‘it’s freezing’, and that they want the heat on.”


This year the calls didn’t come. OlsĂ©r had instructed the IT company NODA, which installed its Smart Heat Building software in 50 of his buildings in November 2016, to boost indoor temperatures by a single degree for 30 days. The system, managed by a self-learning algorithm, then automatically calibrated the Alfa Laval IQHeat controllers in the buildings to meet the new goal, keeping OlsĂ©r’s customers warm and dry.


Before NODA got involved, the risk of accidentally overheating apartments would have been too high. But NODA’s system is much better at fine-tuning than the most skilled energy manager. OlsĂ©r likens it to a self-driving car. “The telephone calls decreased a lot, and we saved time and money; if you have just one telephone call and send someone out, that costs you 1,500 Swedish kronor (€150),” he says.


Read the detailed story here


Source: Alfa Laval & NODA

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