Euroheat & Power launched new mobile application

  • Euroheat & Power News
  • 16 July 2018
  • by EHP

We already know how important digitalisation is for the district energy sector – but remember that EHP itself also aims to be a digital front-runner! That is why we have developed a brand new mobile application for our members, team and interested contacts. It is meant to give quicker and exclusive access to information relevant to our association, our projects and the wider EU advocacy landscape.


These are the key features you can find in the app:


  • The latest news and publications on district heating and cooling from the association, industry actors, policy-makers and research projects
  • An updated overview of current key topics in EU energy policy landscape
  • The calendar of events, webinars and association meetings
  • The chance to take action and provide feedback on the latest opportunities provided by the association
  • Access to the European Parliament directory as well as the Euroheat & Power membership directory
  • Live social media updates & sharing


We will also regularly be sending out notifications on key updates, so please ‘allow notifications’ from the settings of your mobile device to get the most of out of the application. We recommend you as well to  allow the app to access your calendar, as this will make it possible for you to add events and meetings from the app directly to your calendar.


Enjoy this new digital experience, and feel free to send us your feedback at any time at [email protected].


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