Dalkia Acquires Majority Stake in TIRU

  • Industry News
  • 31 May 2016
  • by Dalkia

Dalkia, a 100% owned subsidiary of the EDF group, recently acquired a 75% stake in TIRU, a company specialising in recovering energy and materials from household waste, providing electricity and steam for district heating networks and industrial sites. The acquisition will allow the two companies to better meet current challenges related to the energy transition on a regional level while combining TIRU’s expertise in waste to energy solutions with Dalkia’s local presence, especially in heating networks.


Established in 1922, TIRU (Traitement Industriel des RĂ©sidus Urbains) designs, builds and operates waste treatment facilities in France, the UK and Canada. TIRU is a long-standing operator for the French metropolitan household waste agency (Syctom). The company specialises in heat recovery (burning household waste to produce electricity and steam), biological recovery (breaking down organic matter to produce compost and biogas) and materials recovery (sorting and treating recycled waste).


TIRU is known for developing its own waste-to-energy technology, embodied by its oscillating kiln furnace. The company is also a pioneer in the production of solid recovered fuel (SRF), which has a high calorific value and can replace fossil fuels.


Waste-to-energy expertise plays a key part in the energy services that Dalkia offers throughout the French territory. TIRU will complement the existing range of solutions, which involve the use of cogeneration, biomass, geothermal and anaerobic digestion of industrial waste. TIRU also gives the EDF group a significant growth driver through its expertise in the SRF production process. This latest acquisition will put Dalkia in a position to expand its range of solutions for local authorities by promoting the development of renewable and recovered energy solutions to help them achieve a greener energy mix. At the same time, with Dalkia’s support, TIRU will hone its competitive edge and accelerate its business development in France and around the world, with a focus on emerging technologies.


TIRU was previously majority-owned by EDF Développement Environnement (EDEV). The company employs 1,145 people and achieved a turnover of €232 million in 2015.


Jean-Michel MazalĂ©rat, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Dalkia: “Waste-to-energy solutions make it possible to make full use of available energy resources and are a central feature of the circular economy. Promoting the production of energy from non-recyclable waste, which can then be used in heating networks, for example, is a key aspect of the energy transition law. Dalkia is very pleased to acquire TIRU, whose expertise in producing green energy will be showcased to our customers.”


Henri Lafontaine, EDF Senior Executive President, Customers, Services and Regional Action: “In a market buoyed by the energy transition, bringing together TIRU and Dalkia opens up real growth opportunities and creates value for their customers. The acquisition mirrors EDF’s Cap 2030 strategy and cements the group’s ambition of becoming the leading provider of energy services in France and around the world.”


Dalkia, the leader in energy savings in France

Dalkia, a subsidiary of the EDF group, is one of the leading providers of energy services in France. Dalkia offers its clients tailor-made solutions scaled to fit each building, city, municipality, region and industrial site. Dalkia rises to the challenge of the energy transition and provides its clients with expertise covering the entire energy chain, from energy supply to optimisation of their energy consumption, as well as operation and maintenance of installations. All Dalkia’s solutions are paired with energy efficiency commitments and long-term performance guarantees.



TIRU is a subsidiary of the EDF group and specialises in recovering energy from household waste in the form of electricity and steam for district heating networks and industry. TIRU employs 1,145 people and achieved a turnover of €232 million in 2015. TIRU recovers 3 million tonnes of waste a year at its 6 sites. Its waste-to-energy facilities sold nearly 2.63 TWh of electricity and steam, including 50% renewable energy. TIRU solutions provided 316,000 residents with heating and 514,000 with electricity in 2015. TIRU saved 1.7 million barrels of oil in 2015, avoiding the release of 727,000 tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere.


Source: Dalkia

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