Savo-Solar delivers a solar thermal system to Veolia in France

  • Industry News
  • 26 June 2017
  • by Savo-Solar
Jelling, Danish district heating plant (Source: Savo-Solar)

Savo-Solar has made a Letter of Intent with the company Véolia EHCM on a delivery of a solar thermal system in the city of Voreppe, France. Véolia EHCM is a part of the Veolia Group, which is a global leader in heating and cooling networks. The actual contract on the delivery will be finalised during the next few weeks, and the delivery will take place during the autumn.

Even though the financial value of the contract is small (approx. EUR 90 thousand), the contract is important for Savo-Solar because it is the company’s first district heating system delivery to France and opening the door for further co-operation with the Veolia Group. France is a fast growing market for solar thermal solutions and the region Rhône-Alpes, where Voreppe is located, is very active and promoting the development of solar thermal heating both locally and in Europe. Therefore, the system Savo-Solar is delivering serves also as a good reference to other energy players.

Source: Savo-Solar

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