R-ACES Energy Cooperation Platform

  • Our Projects
  • June 2020 to November 2022

The vision of R-ACES is to support high-potential industrial parks and clusters to become ecoregions that reduce their CO2 emissions by at least 10%. They do so by exchanging surplus energy, making extensive use of renewables and bringing everything together with so-called smart energy management systems. 


Description/ Objectives 

R-ACES focuses on collective measures and clustering to increase the efficiency of industry. R-ACES aims to transform high potential and high impact industrial clusters into EcoRegions with at least 10% emission reductions. 

This project is a touchstone that, through cooperation, will condense the knowledge and experience gained through H2020 into a set of three focused tools 

– An assessment tool 

– A legal decision support for joint contracts 

– A smart energy management platform for clusters 



The R-ACES project gathers some of the most relevant actors at European level in the DHC sector:  

ISPT; Condugo; Spinergy; Energy Cluster Denmark; Lombardy Energy Cleantech Cluster; POM Antwerpen; ESCI and Euroheat & Power 



 1/06/2020 – 30/11/2022 


Useful resources 

 R-ACE’s Kowledge Hub https://r-aces.eu/use_case/  



Horizon 2020 – EU funding No. 892429. 





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